论文 1. Jianhui Ma,Dongyang Zhao, Xiaoxiao Tang, Meng Yuan, Daijing Zhang, Mengyuan Xu, YingzeDuan, Haiyue Ren, Qingdong Zeng, Jianhui Wu, Dejun Han, Tian Li, Lina Jiang.Genome-wide Association Study on Root System Architecture and Identification of Candidate Genes in Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), International Journalof Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(3): 1843-1843 2. Jianhui Ma,Xiaoxiao Tang, Bo Sun, Jituo Wei, Liu yin Ma, Meng Yuan, Daijing Zhang, YunShao, Chunxi Li, Kun-Ming Chen, Lina Jiang. A NAC transcription factor,TaNAC5D-2, acts as a positive regulator of drought tolerance through regulating water loss in wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 195(2022): 0-104805 3. Jianhui Ma, MengYuan, Bo Sun, Daijing Zhang, Lina Jiang. Evolutionary divergence and biased expression of nac transcription factors in hexaploid bread wheat (triticumaestivum l.). Plants, 2021, 10(2), 382. 4. Jianhui Ma, MengYuan, Lina Jiang. Effects of steam explosion on yield and properties of soluble dietary fiber from wheat bran. Food Science and Technology Research, 2021, 27(1), 35-42. 5. Jianhui Ma,Xiaolong Gao, Qing Liu, Yun Shao, Daijing Zhang, Lina Jiang*, Chunxi Li*.Overexpression ofTaWRKY146increases drought tolerance through inducing stomatal closure inArabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 2036. 6. Jianhui Ma,Hengling Wei, Ji Liu, Meizhen Song, Chaoyou Pang, Long Wang, Wenxiang Zhang,Shuli Fan*, Shuxun Yu*. Selection and Characterization of a Novel Photoperiod-sensitive Male Sterile Line in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2013,55 (7): 608-618. 7. Jianhui Ma,Hengling Wei, Meizhen Song, Chaoyou Pang, Ji Liu, Long Wang, Jinfa Zhang, Shuli Fan*, Shuxun Yu*. Transcriptome Profiling Reveals that Flavonoid and Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle are Important during Anther Development in Upland Cotton. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (11): e49244. 8. Jianhui Ma, Wen Dong, Daijing Zhang, Xiaolong Gao, Lina Jiang*, Yun Shao, Doudou Tong, ChunxiLi*, Proteomic profiling analysis reveals that glutathione system plays important roles responding to osmotic stress in wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) roots. PeerJ, 2016 , 2016, 4: e2334. 9. Jianhui Ma,Daijing Zhang, Yun Shao, Pei Liu, Lina Jiang, Chunxi Li*, Genome-Wide Analysis of the WRKY Transcription Factors inAegilopstauschii.Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 2014, 144(3): 240-250. 10. Chunxi Li, WenliZhang, Meng Yuan, Lina Jiang, Bo Sun, DaijingZhang, Jianhui Ma*. (2019). Transcriptome analysis of osmotic-responsivegenesin ABA-dependent and-independent pathways in wheat (Triticum aestivumL.)roots. PeerJ, 7, e6519. 11. Fengli Zhao, Jianhui Ma, Libei Li, Shuli Fan, Yaning Guo, Meizhen Song, Hengling Wei, Zili Feng,Lingfei Wang, Chaoyou Pang, Shuxun Yu*, GhNAC12, a neutral candidate gene, leads to early aging in cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.).gene, 2016, 576(1): 268-274. 12. Wenxiang Zhang, Shuli Fan, Chaoyou Pang, Hengling Wei, Jianhui Ma, Meizhen Song*, Shuxun Yu*.Molecular Cloning and Function Analysis of Two SQUAMOSA-like MADS-Box Genesfrom Gossypium hirsutum L.. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2013, 55 (7):597-607. 13. Ji Liu, Chaoyou Pang,Hengling Wei, Meizhen Song, Yanyan Meng, Jianhui Ma, Shuli Fan, Shuxun Yu. TRAQ-facilitated proteomic profiling of anthers from a photosensitive malesterile mutant and wild-type cotton (GossypiumhirsutumL.). Journal of proteomics, 2015, 126: 68-81. 14. Jie Li, Shu-Li Fan,Mei-Zhen Song, Chao-You Pang, Heng-Ling Wei, Wei Li, Jian-hui Ma,Jiang-Hui Wei, Jian-guo Jing, Shu-Xun Yu*. Cloning and characterization of a FLO/LFY ortholog in Gossypium hirsutum L.. Plant Cell Report., 2013, 32:1675-1686. 专利成果: 1. 喻树迅,马建辉,刘记,范术丽,宋美珍,庞朝友,魏恒玲.一种芽黄标记光敏不育的鉴定方法(ZL201210158237.3),国家发明专利,2013年 2. 喻树迅,范术丽,宋美珍,马建辉,庞朝友,魏恒玲.一种芽黄标记光温敏雄性不育系的繁育方法(ZL201110294545.4),国家发明专利,2013年 著作: 1. 生物统计学(第四版),中国轻工业出版社,2017; 2. 中国短季棉改良创新三十年:喻树迅院士文集,中国农业科学技术出版社,参编,2013。